John Dedeke


My Standard Response

Web, WorkJohn DedekeComment
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I’m always shocked — grateful, too, but mostly shocked — when someone reaches out with a compliment on something I’ve put together; especially so when it’s about something for which I feel like I’ve failed to put in adequate effort or focus (which, let’s be honest, covers just about any creative endeavor).

Given that baseline, you wouldn’t have a hard time finding a good “disbelief” gif to nail my reaction to Standard Resume’s request to publish my resume on their landing page for copywriter resume examples.

I am partial to this one of a topless Mer-Man action figure from Masters of the Universe:


Anyway, the honor is especially gratifying because Standard Resume is one of those companies that seems to quietly and precisely ace everything it sets out to do. Nobody likes working on resumes, but I love working on Standard Resume.