John Dedeke


If You Really Want to Hear About It...Now

Podcasts, Writing, WebJohn DedekeComment

It had been some time since the last entry in my periodic music diary and I craved a diversion in the midst of redesigning my bio page (a process that, like my own personal Winchester Mystery House, will seemingly never be complete), so this latest episode delivers not only a handful of songs I've been favoring recently but also a new format.

No longer technically a podcast, as its emphasis is on streaming rather than subscribing, If You Really Want to Hear About It is now even more of a snapshot. In the spirit of burning out rather than fading away, I'm dropping the feed and concentrating updates directly on the show's new home. Downloaders can still grab the file for each show while it's live, but the site and mp3 will be refreshed each week* with a new batch of songs.

*or so

Backwards and Forwards

PodcastsJohn Dedeke1 Comment

This week Drew and I dropped our 100th episode of The Hourchive (in which we talk at length about Return of the Jedi and I get really excited — again — about the tech who operates Jabba the Hutt’s tail).

This isn’t a rare feat; lots of podcasts have made it well beyond 100 episodes. Most of them have a bigger audience than we do, too. But considering how many of the projects I start never make it past 100 words, I’m not ashamed to admit that it feels pretty great to get this far — and to still be excited to keep moving forward each week.